We meet every Sunday at 10:30 am in CityNord: Mexikoring 15, 22297 Hamburg. 1st floor (right next to Seminarraum Hamburg).
Dakarweg: Linies 23, 26, 118 & 179 Kapstadtring: Linie 20 (350m walking) Überseering (Stop Dakarweg) take the stairs up towards the Post, after 80 m turn left, continue until you reach No. 15 S-Bahn/U-Bahn: S-Rübenkamp (700 m walking), U-Sengelmannstraße (800 m walking)
Visit us by car:
Park at Mexikoring 15 Take the stairs up to “Fußgängerebene”, turn right, you will see the entrance No. 15 on the left.
If you have trouble finding us give us a call at (040) 3346675 88