My husband and I have been married since 2009, we are blessed with four young children, and are so thankful for our strong and happy marriage. Still, all of the demands of daily life—our kids’ needs, school homework, appointments, and work—can be a challenge to us, playing out especially within our marriage. Over the years,...Read More
Dear Moms and friends, I would like to start off by telling you a bit about my experience with Moms in Prayer International*. The ability to deeply and regularly pray with other moms for our children is wonderful. I encourage each of you to join these meetings, and invite others as well. It’s such a...Read More
Do you feel Energyless? Do you just want to relax during this hectic time? The Bible teaches us that it is important to draw our strength from the rest of things before God. But why is it so difficult for us to wait?Read More
“Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.You Samaritans worship...Read More
What are the things that we can’t do now during the Corona crisis? Could it be that God is attacking the idols in our lives so that we concentrate on him?Read More
This year we all celebrate Easter probably somehow differently. How much would we like to be with our family and good friends now or would invite them to join us. How happy would we be to let ourselves be tempted by the wonderful sunshine to a day trip or even a short holiday to the...Read More
Jesus In Me Imagine… If each of us recorded his story with Jesus in a 60-second video and shared it with the hashtag #Jesusinme on Easter weekend on his/her social media platform. How many thousands of people could we reach with the hope of Jesus ? And maybe this hope would radically change their lives,Just...Read More
Jesus In Me Imagine…. If each of us were to record our story with Jesus in a 60-second video and share it on his social media platform over the Easter weekend with the hashtag #JesusInMir. How many thousands of people could we then reach with the hope of Jesus in? And perhaps this hope would...Read More
Where is God in all this? Why does he allow that to happen ? These are questions you or others around you may have. God wants to answer these questions and talk hope into these situations as well Listen to how…Read More
Such a small virus and the world is standing still. Now, if you look at the streets, shopping malls, playgrounds, even the airports, you might see a few cars, isolated pedestrians and joggers ,where people usually crowd and cars barely get a meter a head in traffic jams. Isn’t it crazy,that the hectic and rapid...Read More
Are you disciplined during this time? Or do you prefer to go to bed late and sleep long? How can you manage to get closer to God and not further away from him during this Corona time ? This is what Sela is about today – be a blessing!Read More
What do you miss the most? Who would you like to be with now? Why are people buying toilet paper for the next 2 years now? When things are taken away from us, fear arises. God has a great solution. That’s what the next episode of “Sela” is about today.Read More
In this time of corona, social distancing and uncertainty, we would like to encourage you with regular podcasts. In this first episode, Pastor Janos talks about the word “Sela” and how we can deal with this forced break. In this first episode, Pastor Janos talks about the word “Sela” and how we can deal with...Read More
What Covid-19 triggers in us and in our society is probably perceived differently by each one of us. However, certain restrictions in our everyday life can no longer be overlooked and avoided. Be it the increased stay or even working inside your own four walls, the little personal contact with family and friends or the...Read More
Every Sunday there is a live stream at 10:30 a.m here Together we look at what it means to be a church. Over the next few weeks, we will study the first church in the Acts of the Apostles and learn from them how we can live in the church in this day and age....Read More
Dear CityLight Family, God lets His children go through trials, and many of you have seen this before. However, one truth never changes. Jesus says: “I don’t want to give you up and never leave you!” We can understand that more and more deeply now. I had a moment at the market today that I...Read More
Wherever you look or listen the main theme is the corona virus and its effects.The more you hear, read or see, uncertainty arises in you. In this situation, this applies to Christians and non-Christians. The question is, how do we as CityLight deal with this crisis? 2 Timothy 1,7 for God gave us a spirit not...Read More